Second chapter released! This manga has a weird sense of humour to it that’s kind of endearing. Re-reading the chapter made me crack up a little, the internal monologue/mannerisms of Youko has a childishness to it that really makes you snickle.
her stupid face throughout the chapter makes me laugh
also some people were able to win a Old Castle shirt that was in the chapter when they bought the manga, I would get the manga but it’s currently out of stock at my local bookstore.
go buy the manga
Every single character has a backstory, even the seemingly unimportant ones. Always keep that in mind.
Chapter 2
That’s a pretty good mindset to have! You never know what people have gone through and what story they have to tell so when you pass by them on the street/schools/restaurants so try to be kind to everyone!
Go read about responsible fishing and protecting wildlife and MOST IMPORTANTLY CUTE GIRLS FISHING at !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
her face and mannerisms are so fucking dumb but funny
and finally here’s yet another song recommendation from me that kinda fits the chapter
Thanks to Soul, Stardust, Darkfire for their work and see you next month (´∀`ゞ
After Rain [03/02/2021] The last chapter of the first volume provides an introduction of a potential rival! Shotaro has a wholesome moment with Kiri-chan while she nurses him back to full health before they’re hit with the classic protagonist’s love interest having a fiance/fiancee.
Going off topic of the chapter, this post was supposed to be a way for us to reduce the irrelevant pages being added to the chapter we upload. As you may have noticed, all our releases had a credit page and recently we’ve added a recruitment page too. ***** brought up the idea of using Mangadex’s free hosting support of a blog to rant so I thought this would be a good chance to reduce the “unnecessary” pages being added to the chapter. So here we have it, we’ll be using blog posts of each chapter as our credit page so without further to do, thanks as always to Ruriri, Chingle, and our newest member of the team Øƶ!
These posts will also be used to share what our staff feel like sharing so this next part has nothing to do with the chapter. This was a haul I got a while back that I wanted to flex share to you guys!
Dorohedoro Vol 1-23 and Golden Kamuy Vol 1.
Heyhey, one of the translators here. Not the one who translates this series however. After stalling my part of this post for a week or so, I’m proud to flex my shit as well. Even in Japanese, though I doubt one would read the blog of a scanlation group in that case.
Most are based off sweet Stardust’s recommendations because I don’t really read much manga. Japanese manga are too cheap to pass up though so I got a whole bunch.
I guess that’s all there is to say for this post so if you’ve managed to read this far, thanks for reading and hopefully see you at our next post!
Start of the Deserted Island Arc and 3rd last chapter for Volume 5. Tbh this chapter was stalled for about a month because I lost all motivation for typesetting it. Thanks dark for doing most of the work <3.
After finding out about the gloriousness of my local bookstore and the high quality images debinding and scanning a manga results in, we are planning on buying the physical volume of Volume 6 and 7 to scan them. Hopefully it restocks in the store soon… Scanning is a bitch though, took me ~3 hours to get through scanning a volume. Tested scanning on an old Food Wars tank that I got from Japan a long time ago and a new Danberu Vol. 11 that I bought at the bookstore the other day. Went pretty well, especially for danberu since the raws ripped from urasunday sites we were using are super shit.
Yom’s tights book and kuroboshi papa’s new artbook (´ρ`)
Here’s the difference between the raws we had from urasunday and the scanned version.
The site compresses the images so if you view image in new tab it doesn’t show the true quality ;-;
But yeah the difference in quality was immediately noticeable, screentones that were destroyed in image compression in their site, destroyed line art etc. The teibou raws we are using now thanks to Rusty are not as bad as the danberu ones but could be better. (It could always be better, scanned raws will always give the best quality) and after realising that I have access to physical japanese manga and a printer/scanner that can scan up to 9400dpi, I obviously wanted to use scanned physical raws for all our projects. Not sure how many readers might even notice the difference in quality, this is just to satisfy myself.
Now on to the chapter, fun as always. You might have known that the town that they live in is modeled after Ashikita Town in the Kumamoto Prefecture, where the author had lived in. Here’s a map of the locations from a twitter user and some examples:
If you can tell from the map, yes the island they’re fishing in is modeled after a real location! I went into google earth and looked around, (I might be wrong about the fishing port but) here’s some screenshots:
Chapter 28Here’s the fishing port that they departed from!Chapter 29and here’s the island from google earth!
You can see the similarities in the pictures, from the island docking area (?) not exactly sure what they’re called, and those rings. My guess is they’re fish farming facilities.
and it is really close to the fishing port! only about 1.95km from the fishing port.
Prez is always forgetting stuff but it’s a nice gateway to teaching Hina more ways of fishing. I just a young’un so I don’t have experience fishing at all so I can’t comment on how accurate the information is. But Hina’s fishing for mackerel’s this chapter, but instead of using bait, Hina has to use a sabiki hook and a metal jig. As usual, Hina has trouble fishing initially but learns that fishing takes adapting and figuring out yourself, one must change how one fishes in different conditions. But her growth compared to when she just started is always heartwarming. And well that’s what hobbies are all about, constantly learning and improving yourself and having fun while you’re at it.
They introduce the concept of fish shelves, “drag” and how to fish for mackerels with sabiki jigs and flounders.
horse mackerelssabiki jigfunny lookin flounder
And they’re all still using the felt doll keychain to identify their bottles, cute!
And finally Hina has qualms taking a piss in the dirty traditional toilet. The image of Natsumi taking a dump in the grass is nice though.
Thanks to Songbird and Darkfire for their work, and see you next chapter which probably won’t be for a while since I’m back at school, Dark is also busy with school and our other projects and Belt’s monitor is broken. ┐(´~`)┌ welp